Group Registration Contact Us Come check us out, we’d love to meet you! 700 West Washington St,Indianapolis, IN 46204 317-916-4255 FollowFollow Tour Request Form Tour Inquiry Form First & Last Name: * Phone Number * Email * Street Address * City, State, Zip Code * Name of Group * Type of Group School GroupHome SchoolTeam/ClubSeniorsConference/ConventionCampOther Age/Grade Level * Requested Tour Date (No Weekends or Mondays) * Alternate Date Requested Tour Time Select Your Time10:00 AM - 11:30 AMNoon - 1:30 PM2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Number of Youth Attendees (ages 18 and under)* Number of Adults Teachers and Aides* * Number of Adults (non-teachers or aides) * Number of Senior Attendees (ages 60 ) Form of Payment * VisaMastercardCheck (made out to Legends Global Merchandise) Would you like a Luncheon Area? Yes No If yes for lunch, what time would you be interested? Will you be arriving by bus or van? YesNo What size bus or van (Charter, Full Size, Short, etc. I understand Guided Tours require a minimum of 20 youth attendees, or a flat charge of $100.00 will be issued.* * YesNo Does your group have any special needs or requests?* * reCAPTCHA If you are human, leave this field blank. Next